# Google Maps

This section will guide you through how to setup a basic google map and add overlay colors to it,For more advance options please refer the google map developer API for Web Google Map Developer API

# Importing

import { useGoogleMaps } from "react-hook-google-maps";

# How to use

const MapContainer = () => {

  const { ref } = useGoogleMaps(
      zoom : 11,
      center : { lat: 40.67, lng: -73.94 },
      disableDefaultUI : true,
  return <div ref={ref} style={{ width: '100%', height: '100vh' }} />;

export default MapContainer;

# Map themes

Google Maps comes with styling option that you can change, add the following styles attribute to mapOptions in the JS you created before

styles: [{
   featureType: 'water',
   elementType: 'all',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#e9ebed'
   }, {
       saturation: -78
   }, {
       lightness: 67
   }, {
       visibility: 'simplified'
}, {
   featureType: 'landscape',
   elementType: 'all',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#ffffff'
   }, {
       saturation: -100
   }, {
       lightness: 100
   }, {
       visibility: 'simplified'
}, {
   featureType: 'road',
   elementType: 'geometry',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#bbc0c4'
   }, {
       saturation: -93
   }, {
       lightness: 31
   }, {
       visibility: 'simplified'
}, {
   featureType: 'poi',
   elementType: 'all',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#ffffff'
   }, {
       saturation: -100
   }, {
       lightness: 100
   }, {
       visibility: 'off'
}, {
   featureType: 'road.local',
   elementType: 'geometry',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#e9ebed'
   }, {
       saturation: -90
   }, {
       lightness: -8
   }, {
       visibility: 'simplified'
}, {
   featureType: 'transit',
   elementType: 'all',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#e9ebed'
   }, {
       saturation: 10
   }, {
       lightness: 69
   }, {
       visibility: 'on'
}, {
   featureType: 'administrative.locality',
   elementType: 'all',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#2c2e33'
   }, {
       saturation: 7
   }, {
       lightness: 19
   }, {
       visibility: 'on'
}, {
   featureType: 'road',
   elementType: 'labels',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#bbc0c4'
   }, {
       saturation: -93
   }, {
       lightness: 31
   }, {
       visibility: 'on'
}, {
   featureType: 'road.arterial',
   elementType: 'labels',
   stylers: [{
       hue: '#bbc0c4'
   }, {
       saturation: -93
   }, {
       lightness: -2
   }, {
       visibility: 'simplified'