# Widgets

Pre-built widget components that you can integrate with your dashboards or social feeds.

Pages comes with 24 pre-built widget components that you can easily integrate with your dashboards in no time. These can be found in Components/ui/widget folder and each widget folder is named after its Component's name.

# Importing

Widgets are available throughout all the pre-built dashboards. But if you are planning use them outside you will have to import them as below.

//import ui widgets component
import GraphWidget from "../../ui/widget/GraphWidget/Component";
import GraphTitleWidget from "../../ui/widget/GraphTitleWidget/Component";
import PlainLiveWidget from "../../ui/widget/PlainLiveWidget/Component";
import GraphLiveWidget from "../../ui/widget/GraphLiveWidget/Component";
import BarDoubleWidget from "../../ui/widget/BarDoubleStackWidget/Component";
import LineAreaGraphWidget from "../../ui/widget/LineAreaGraphWidget/Component";
import ServerLoadWidget from "../../ui/widget/ServerLoadWidget/Component";
import SaleStackBar from "../../ui/widget/SaleStackBarWidget/Component";
import MapWidget from "../../ui/widget/MapWidget/Component";

# Graph Live Widget

Features a looping vertical slider with stock market updates.


# Graph Options Widget

Features a line chart with toggle buttons.


# Graph Tile Flat Widget

Features a line chart with sales stats.


# Graph Tile Widget

Features a line chart with area filled in.


# Graph Widget

Features a line chart with multiple series of data.


Default view
Default view

# Image Widget

Features a background image and an text overlay.


# Image Basic Widget

Features a background image and an text overlay.


# Plain Live Widget

Features a rotating text


# Plain Widget

Features quick weather info


# Progress Tile Flat Widget

Features a large title text and a progress bar


# Project Progress Widget

Features multiple progress bars in a tab view.


# Quick Stats Widget

Features quick stats in extra large text and a progress bar.


# Real Time Widget

Designed to show live streaming data in a line chart. Demo widget represents sample data updated using a timer.


# Social Image Title Widget

Shows an image in the style of a social feed post.


# Social Post Title Widget

Shows a social post with text and an image.


# Stacked Bar Widget

Features a tab component with stacked bar charts representing multiple data sources for quick comparison.


# Stat Tile Widget

This is also another mini widget similar to Quick Stats Widget and Progress Tile Flat Widget. Sample widget illustrates stock trading stats.


# Table Basic Widget

Features a basic table layout.


# Table Widget

This is another variation of Table Basic Widget.


# Todo List Widget

Show todo-list items with checkboxes.


# Weather Widget

Shows weekly weather data together with animated weather icons from Skycons.


With Type option set to "compact"
With Type option set to "compact"
Default Widget
Default Widget

# Weekly Sales Widget

This is also another mini widget showing weekly sales data.
